General Information about the Islam
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In the 7th century, the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) received through the angle Gabriel the final revelation of God. For Muslims, Islam is also the original religion as revealed to Abraham, Moses, Jesus and other Islamic prophets, upon whom all be peace. Previous prophets, including Moses and Jesus were sent to a people, while Muhammad (pbuh) is a prophet for all the nations with the completed and full message.
The Qur'an frequently refers to stories about the prophets of the Torah and the Bible, like Moses (as) and Jesus (as).
Islam is the perfection of the monotheistic religion of God. 'Allah (swt)' is Arabic for "God". Arabic-speaking Christians also use Allah (swt) to refer to God
Islam teaches that all living beings on Earth on the day of resurrection will be judged by God and on the basis of their deeds. Unlike Christianity, Islam teaches no original sin.
"Sin" for the Muslim committing errors by poor external influence or own soul. Behavioral come partly from within (nafs) and partly external (influence of friends, people with a bad influence, influence by the consumer, influence of Satan). Bad deeds can be partly offset by the performance of Fard (religious duties), submission to the will of God and doing good deeds. The good and bad deeds will be weighed against each other on the "day of resurrection ', or' the hour 'or' the days of the assessment" mentioned. A positive balance always results in direct admission to paradise.
Paradise (djenna) is described in the Quran as a place with no trouble, sorrow or fatigue. The Paradise residents may be on side benches on the banks of rivers, while enjoying heavenly food and drink, which they are presented by young men.
5 Pillars:
The practice of the Islamic faith is based on a system of rites and duties, the fiqh, the "Five Pillars of Islam" the most important, namely the testimony (the shahada), performing the obligatory prayers five times daily (the salat ), almsgiving (the zakat), fasting during the day in the month of Ramadan and making a pilgrimage to Mecca (the hajj).
A Muslim must adhere to these five pillars of Islam.
Link to the shahada